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ProTex II Restaurant Fire Suppression System

Mike of Correct Fire & Security is fully certified to install and inspect the ProTex II Restaurant Fire Supression System!


The Protex II is a pre-engineered, wet chemical system used to protect commercial cooking operations. Automatic detection and actuation controls mean 24-hour protection, even when the kitchen is closed. The fire extinguishing agent is a potassium carbonate-based water solution that knocks the flame down, cuts off air to the burning grease and cools the hazard area to help ensure the fire stays out.

Flexible piping configurations allow for a streamlined design that will not interfere with your kitchen's workflow. The system can be mounted in out-of-the-way areas to preserve valuable kitchen space.

The ProTex II system is available in a variety of sizes economically suited to fit specific needs, and designed with the flexibility to accommodate changes to appliance layout or the expansion of a cooking area.

ProTex II™ Restaurant Fire Suppression Systems Meet the Highest Standards:

  • UL Standard: Fire Extinguishing Systems for Protection of Restaurant Cooking Areas – UL 300

  • NFPA Standard 17A: Wet Chemical Extinguishing Systems

  • NFPA Standard 96: Ventilation Control and Fire Protection of Commercial Cooking Operations

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