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Going on Vacation? 7 Home Security Tips for Peace of Mind

Shaelyn Ferguson

Traveling is fun and exciting, but you don't want to be stressed about the safety of your home while you're gone. Thankfully, taking a few simple steps before you leave can help provide peace of mind for you and protection for your home. Here are some essential home security tips to consider when traveling.

Secure your home's entry points

The first line of defense against any potential intruder is to make sure all your doors and windows are securely locked and secured:

  1. Lock doors and windows: Double check that every door and window is locked, including in the basement and on upper floors. Consider installing smart locks that can be monitored and controlled remotely.

  2. Secure the garage: Disconnect the garage door opener and lock the door leading from the garage into your home. You can also consider making your garage door "smart" for remote monitoring and control.

  3. Remove spare keys: Collect any spare keys from around your property. If a friend or neighbour needs access, give them their own key or smart lock code instead.

  4. Arm your security system: If you have an alarm system, ensure it is properly armed when you leave, to alert your security company of any door or window breaches.

Create the illusion of occupancy

Homes that look empty are more likely to be targeted. Use these strategies to make it look like someone is home:

  1. Use smart devices: Set up smart plugs or timers to turn lights, TVs and music on and off throughout the day and evenings. This activity will give the impression of someone being home.

  2. Arrange for lawn care: This might seem obvious, but an overgrown lawn is a clear sign of absence. Ask a neighbour or hire a service to mow your lawn while you're away.

  3. Maintain your curtains: If you normally leave your curtains open during the day, continue to do so while you're on vacation to maintain your established pattern.

Enlist help

You can always ask for help from trusted friends or other individuals:

  1. Hire a house sitter: Consider having someone stay at your home while you're away. A physical presence provides the best security and care for your property while you're gone.

  2. Notify your security company: If you have an alarm system, let your security company know you're going away and for how long.

  3. Ask neighbours for help: If a house sitter isn't in the budget, you can ask a trusted friend or neighbour to check on your home periodically, collect your mail, and remove any flyers or packages from your doorstep.

Manage your mail

Nothing screams "vacant house" like mail and packages piling up at the door.

  1. Hold your mail: Get in touch with your post office to put a hold on your mail while you're away, or have a neighbour collect it.

  2. Stop newspaper delivery: If you still receive a newspaper, pause your subscription or ask your neighbour to pick it up with the mail.

  3. Schedule your packages: Don't order anything from Amazon while you're away. If you need to order something or it's already on route, reroute your package to a pick-up facility.

Leverage technology

There are multiple ways to enhance your home's security with modern technology.

  1. Set up security cameras: Outdoor security cameras monitor your property 24/7 and can deter trespassers.

  2. Install an alarm system: If you don't already have one, consider installing a monitored home security system with remote capabilities.

  3. Use smart lighting: Install motion-activated exterior lights and set interior lights on timers to deter potential intruders.

Maintain privacy

Try not to openly advertise your travel plans.

  1. Limit social media posts: Avoid announcing your trip on social media until after you've returned.

  2. Be discreet: Be careful about discussing your trip in public places where others might overhear.

Additional tips

You can take these extra steps to protect your home from different hazards:

  1. Unplug electronics: Unplugging electronics that aren't required will protect them from power surges and conserve energy.

  2. Adjust your HVAC: Setting your thermostat to an energy-efficient temperature will conserve energy without risking issues like frozen pipes.

  3. Secure valuables: Store important documents or valuables securely in a safe or safety deposit box.

  4. Check smoke alarms: Ensure all your smoke alarms are functioning properly. If they are connected to your alarm system, you can test manually that the signal is going through.

By implementing these home security measures, you can significantly reduce the risk of break-ins and significantly increase your vacation peace of mind. Before you embark on your next adventure, take the time to secure your home with these essential tips. Remember, a little preparation goes a long way.

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